Where To Buy

Baroness X ships within the U.S. and to Canada. So we have partnered with international stockists to bring you a variety of products without international shipping fees and wait times. The following stockists have a variety of Baroness X products available:

Rainbow Connection UK -  https://rainbow-connection.co.uk/collections/baroness-x
Girly Bits -  https://www.girlybitscosmetics.com/baroness-x/
Femme Fatale - We will post dates of upcoming pre-orders here and in fan group. You may also go here and sign up for notifications on their website: https://femmefatalecosmetics.com.au/product-category/baroness-x/

If you would like to stock Baroness X products in your brick and mortar store or online shop, please email us at customerservice@baronessx.com.

See below regarding our current processing times.

Our current turn around time is 1-12 business days (excluding weekends and holidays). Custom items may take an additional 3 days. Preorder items are exempt from this TAT.